

okemo freestyle HAS MOVED... our new site is


This site is now "dead." It will remain up for anyone who wants to reminisce on the 08-09 season (for whatever reason...). HOWEVER, ALL CURRENT NEWS, RESULTS, VIDEO, PICS, etc. CAN BE FOUND AT go2omara.com under "Freestyle."


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Monday, March 9, 2009


to our entire
B Regional Championship Team

including Top Finishers
Delia Whyte -- 5th moguls
Katie Craig -- 7th moguls
Sam Pawlak -- 10th slopestyle

Patrick Craig and Coach Franky P!

Katie Craig and Delia Whyte

**Important Upcoming Dates**
As the season's end comes rocketing towards us, I wanted to make you aware of a few important dates coming up:
  • Friday, March 20 -- Okemo Freestyle Team Spring Party/Get-together... 3/20, 8PM, Killarneys in Ludlow. We would like to welcome athletes, parents, coaches, alumni, and friends to The Killarney to celebrate a fun and successful season together. There will be an AWESOME band playing, a private area set aside for our team, and food and drink specials. Please make it up for this fun event! Be sure to go to the poll at the right, below the links, and vote on a theme!
  • Saturday, March 28 -- Weekend program Season's End Awards Ceremony and activities... more info to come as I get it, but just wanted to make sure everyone is up for this final weekend.

A Freeride...
I cannot say enough about the importance of video in freestyle skiing progression -- as a coaching tool, as a source of inspiration, pride and confidence for the athletes, as a means of sharing one's passion with others worldwide... I could go on.
Below is another video edit by a member of our team. Alex Buller did a killer job putting this together, with skiing by OMS freeriders Sean Kennedy, Dale Talkington, and Alex himself... all filmed this season by Coach Bruno.

Okemo from Alex Buller on Vimeo.

Next up for A Freeride -- Mount Snow Freeskiing Open, Mt. Snow VT, 3/21-22... spectators welcome and encouraged!

A Moguls...
Again, there is one comp left for the A mogul Team, the Spring Klassic at Killington -- 4/10-12... mark it on your calendars!

Also, I will be emailing soon regarding summer mogul camps (we'd like to get everyone -- including those of you B's moving up to A's next year -- out to Momentum or another ski camp this summer in addition to our water ramp camps)... stay tuned! Conroy and Pazdar had a great experience at Momentum, in case anyone has questions...

B Moguls/Freeride...
Below are some of the runs from our B Team at Mogul Regional Championships at Killington on Sunday, courtesy of Joe "Jokemofreestyle" Kaufman. He did not get both runs from everyone, but he tried his best, so enjoy...

AND... stay tuned for a recap of the events, coming soon from Law. I'll post here...

Coming up, wish our B EASTERN CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM (Pawlak, Whyte, K. Craig) luck as they head to Loon this weekend at Loon!!!

Thanks and have a great week!


Mike said...

sick post, and tons of good video

Giovanna said...

Bummer! I am going to be in Colorado during the end of the year party. I'm sorry I won't make it, but I'll be wishing I were with all you guys... unless it dumps :)